          國民大會:貧賤夫妻婚姻多舛(4/6) 20091021 You must not pay any debt that made or left behind by anyone older than you; because if you do, both 花蓮民宿 of you must be locked under double or more deeper darker. For instance, if you pay the debt for your mom, had your mom sup 小額信貸posed to be set under the first floor, you supposed set above your mom, when you pay the debt for your mom, you have to be placed below tha 酒肉朋友t "under first floor", your mom must have to be placed below that [below that "under first floor"]. You need to know when you are in the poorer side, you will 關鍵字排名always not be placed too low to see day light, therefore, you must not ever pay any debt for anyone who is older than you, because you may not just supposed above only one level than tha 部落格t anyone who is older than you, therefore, you pay the debt for anyone older than you may end down to unknowed more deeper darker instead of only one lower level. Your mom or /and your dad may be your enemy, 部落格 may be worse than your enemy that committed kissing your ass dragon down you in your passed lives. Therefore, do not love your parents, do not care your parents, leave him or her or them alone when you don't need any 部落格one of them to care you any more. A man cannot have freedom to care the woman he really loves, cannot have the good luck to find his only true love woman, must have no way to help anyone to be better; just like a man cannot be good enough to care 燒烤 every poor helpless powerless people to have peaceful decent free life inside his own nation, dare rely on election lie to move into that Presdient house to suck, must have no way to help anyone out of his own President House, therefore, he must not have that s 濾桶hameless to show up or off out of his President House door. That may explain how come White House must have a man to speak for their sucking elected President.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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