          回覆:神的預知 # 200 [That how lair Angus Tung failed to see that I have nothing to do with his "Too Good to Be True" lies, bec 婚禮佈置ause he's too stupid bad ugly evil 室內裝潢to see the honest point that I don't lie for my own selfish 結婚西裝 gain or gang][I am the best politician than any real politician in this earth] ++++ seo++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Because I did not and do not like sucking Angus Tu 花蓮民宿ng showing up on stage to abused his on stage convenient power to demand the audience to sing along with him, and further commi 租房子tted Chinese said "得寸進尺" crime to demand his audience "Yao.Chang.Joe.Chang.Dot.Sheng.1.Dyan". All I do just do my share of duty to tell those su 新成屋cking evilest USA elected headed liars grouped gangsters should have the guts to committed suicide like those suicide bombers in Middle East dared, or face to be nuclear b 房屋買賣y any nuclear weapon controller. Why it can tell I am the best politician than any real politician in this earth? Because King and Communist not politicians. Therefore, I am the only one talking politics 酒店經紀 can see suicide bombers hot way to fly instead of locked cold cold hard deepest dark.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋  .

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